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benefits of anti allergy bedding

Why use anti-allergy covers?

75% of allergic reactions that trigger Asthma, Eczema & Allergic Rhinitis are caused by the house dust mite's (Faeces) allergen.

You lose an average of 3.6 kg of discarded skin each year, so between you and your partner there is nearly 2.5kg of dead skin entering your mattress each year, picture pouring 2 and a half bags of sugar on your are you getting the idea?

So this is where all the dust in your bedroom is coming from, because as you know, once skin leaves your body it becomes know as dust, so much so that 85% of the dust within your home is made up of your skin, dust mites, dead dust mite carcases and their allergens. 

Each item of bedding in your home that you cover with the correct type (i.e. not what you buy in the department stores) of really anti-allergy covers means you dramatically reduce the dust mite allergen count in your home. (read our next blog on "why dust mites are in your bed?" for more information on this)

By using our anti-allergy, hypoallergenic covers on your mattress, duvet and pillow from new you will stop a dust mite population from ever taking hold in your bed, as well as stopping the organic build up within the bedding that leads to fungus and bacteria.

When used on existing mattress and bedding it will effectively seal in any dust mite allergens stopping them from becoming airborne thus greatly reducing exposure to the triggers that cause asthma and allergies. 

Anti-Allergy Encasement Mattress Cover for total protection against dust mites.

Anti-Allergy Encasement Mattress Cover for total protection against dust mites.